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In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!

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In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!  Empty In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!

Post by msdivat32 11th August 2010, 4:01 pm

Hi! I am a newly natural sista, who has been without a relaxer for about a year, but just recently adopted the idea of going natural full-time. I haven't done the BC yet, because of a bad hair experience I was trying to 'nurse' my hair back to a healthy state before I cut it completely off, plus I'm nervous about how it will look. I am in need of some guidance in ALL areas, especially for my curl type (4a). I usually wear my hair in braids or in a 'puff' but I am looking to expand my style and product game and I just need a little assistance...*in my kid voice* 'Can somebody help me please??' *pouty mouth*

Posts : 20
Join date : 2010-08-11

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In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!  Empty Re: In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!

Post by Naturally Esq 11th August 2010, 4:30 pm

What products are you using? What are your specific problems?

My hair is 4a/b, fine texture and I have been transitioning since 9/09. Generally Type 4 hair loves hair products that have protein, so be sure to balance the moisture and protein in your hair products:

I use Giovanni Hair Products that can be bought at Whole Foods, Target, Walmart, CVS, Pharmaca, and health food stores. Once a week, I use Giovanni Smooth As Silk (SAS) Deeper Moisture Shampoo to poo, SAS Deeper Moisture Conditioner and Reconstructor to DC, SAS Xtreme Protein Infusion or Direct Leave In as my leave in, I set my hair with Giovanni Natural Mousse Hair Styling Foam. I seal with Shea Moisture Curl Smoothie or EVCO or castor oil. I use the braid outs, curl outs or Curlformers to style.

Naturally Esq
Naturally Esq

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In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!  Empty Re: In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!

Post by msdivat32 11th August 2010, 5:47 pm

Well, as of late, I have been using the Pantene Pro-V Relaxed and Natural Shampoo and Conditioner and Cantu Shea Butter as my leave-in. I have used Carol's Daughter Tui Oil before but I usually just use the Hot Six Oil. That's as far as I have gotten on the product end...

My specific issue is the fact that no matter how 'curly' my hair starts out, by the end of the day it ends up looking like a TWA...Not cool!! I am looking for something that will help to define and retain my curl pattern as well as a gel for my edges and something to keep my hair moisturized...Is that too much to ask?? LOL

Posts : 20
Join date : 2010-08-11

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In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!  Empty Re: In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!

Post by Naturally Esq 11th August 2010, 9:17 pm

IMO: If your curls are not defined, that usually means you have too much moisture and need more protein. Please read the article that I linked to in my previous reply and do the hair test that is listed at the end of that article.

I use Giovanni Products because they are a little heavy with protein, but that is what my hair likes. My curl definition begins with shampooing with SAS and continues.
Naturally Esq
Naturally Esq

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In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!  Empty Re: In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!

Post by msdivat32 11th August 2010, 10:20 pm

Ok..I'm making my list as we 'type'...First off, I am going to try the Giovanni line and see how that works. The shea butter makes my hair soft and 'fluffy' but I just want that curl pattern, ya know?? Thanks for the advice and I will be sure to let you know how it turns out!!!

My next question is what styles are best for type 4 hair???

Posts : 20
Join date : 2010-08-11

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In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!  Empty Re: In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!

Post by Naturally Esq 12th August 2010, 12:02 am

How long is your hair?
Naturally Esq
Naturally Esq

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Location : Oakland California

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In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!  Empty Re: In need of a Type 4 big sis, QUICK!!!

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