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writers? Empty writers?

Post by brittany_smiley 15th November 2009, 8:27 pm

Any writers on the just regular or if u wrote a book that's cool. I'm really good at writing. Love short stories.

If ur a writer of stories music poetry anything. Wat r u workin on. How it comin can we read it.

I write stories/poetry
Hmm for my stories I usually work on like a 100 at a time. Right now I'm really into one I'm writting called "on top of my world" I should put this one I wrote called "the broken hearted girl" up. But I'm shy cuz I'm not just the greatest writer. But ill put it up if u guys would like. Ok join n. I love hearn poetry too. (I suck at music cuz I'm not a singer)

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by p_nuttie43 17th November 2009, 2:59 pm

I use to write but have gotten out of it as i grew up and put more on my plate. but i love to still do it when i have the time. i love writing short stories and actually trying to get back into this story I started...

I would love to read your story! if you post yours, i'll post mine. LoL

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by Tiffy2 21st November 2009, 1:49 am

I used to write a lot of songs,poetry,plays,stories etc. but I haven't in a while. I have 12 songs I had copyrighted a few years ago,but that's about it.

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by Curly Film Chick 22nd November 2009, 8:08 pm

I love to write, I mostly work on screenplays now because I'm into film. But I used to be all about poems and short stories. Used to do spoken word too.

I try to write everyday, either on my blog or on my screenplays. Currently working on my thesis screenplay and various short ones.
Curly Film Chick
Curly Film Chick

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by CarlsM 22nd November 2009, 8:57 pm

Cool to see that there are writers on the forum! :-) Creativity excites me! I love other things, but the ability to be creative is LOVE! I call music my Man! He loves me just like I love him I love you. We have an extremely healthy and stable relationship, and my family even adores him. LOL Can it get any better? lol!

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by Tiffy2 22nd November 2009, 9:14 pm

I'm also a music lover. I love all kinds of music and I love to record what i wrote. lucky for me, i married a producer so i don't pay for beats [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by CurlyMix 29th November 2009, 4:22 pm

I am a author as well as a poet. My book is on "Pieces of me"
I also paint. Wink

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by inherheels 4th December 2009, 6:40 am

I am a writer and my first book, "No More Band-Aids: Stop the Cover Up" will be released in February. The original due date was December 2nd but my non-profit took over my life. I self-published and its definitely a lot of work. I would not have it any other way.

Twitter: @inherheels

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by cocoachanel 6th January 2010, 3:36 am

I'm a writer and a journalist. I really got into journalism in college but I've been writing stories and poems since I was a young child. I've kind of lost my knack for poems. I only get really good poems every once in a while, usually as a result for some kind of extremely emotional time I'm going through. But I'm good with short stories and novel length stories. When I was younger I used to have a bunch of stories going at the same time. And for a while I didn't write much as all. Now that I've gotten into writing again I'm trying to concentrate on one story at a time. I'm making a rule to not start new projects until I'm at least 10 chapters into current major projects. Or a quarter way through shorter projects. I have so many ideas for stories that I'm just itching to start so I can't wait to get up to chapter 10 of my current project. Some things, that I not plan to consider for publishing I will probably post online so maybe you guys will get to read my work someday.

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by Karyn 25th January 2010, 4:24 am

Haha, I feel so young. Everyone is all established. I write sometimes, when I get a sudden blast of creativity. I recently finished a writing program at the Brooklyn Academy of Music as a Young Critic. Twas a great experience. I fail at poetry though, although I supposedly wrote a (what I believe to be) pretty fantastic love poem on my computer, but I don't remember writing it. I'll share it. It has some grammatical errors, but nothing's perfect.

Lusting after your touch
Longing to be together
You make a whirlpool of emotions race through me
Jealousy, Anger, Laughter, but most importantly
No matter what you put me through
Send me to hell and back
I’ll still end up loving you
Accepting me for who I am
No matter how I look
I may not be the most prettiest or popular or smartest
But in your eyes I’m perfect
Anticipating our talks and your voice
A flurry of new emotions, you make me feel
Some good, some bad
But most good.
Taking risks is not what I usually do
But for you I’d do anything just to be with you
Falling fast and hard
On this unfamiliar territory
In this wonderful place called love.

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by NaturallyKhyrra 28th January 2010, 6:00 pm

I am a writer. First Monday In August by Khyrra

This is my debut novel about a sequence of events stemming from the murder Omar Bentley, the local football star that was headed to greatness. This small Georgia town is rocked to its core with the secrets that start spilling like beans. Tyeese, who witnesses the murder is afraid to tell anyone because that would mean confessing her infidelity to her longtime boyfriend, Turk. But as we all know, what's done in the dark surely comes to light. And as Turk tries to figure whats going on with the woman he loves, he will face some of his own demons along the way. Tyeese's godfather Malcolm, who is home for the first time in years, wants to help but finds that investigating the murder of this young man reveals a love he thought was long gone. Could Omar be the son he never got the chance to know? And if so, how does he handle it??

Along with other memorable characters this story leads the reader through the lives of those you will cheer for, cry for, and want to defend before it's over.

Anyone who enjoys a well spun story will enjoy First Monday In August because I definitely enjoyed letting my imagination run free! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by calicoeyez 13th February 2010, 10:19 am

They call me ruthless.
Shake their heads at me
when I step on the back bones
of men who's mothers coddled them
far too long.

I call it tough love
When I pull away from his embrace
because I know if I stay there too long
ill forget who I am.
A blank canvas
I was never meant to be molded into maybeline
misinterpretations of femininity
I foresee no kitchens in my near future
but I can burn
images of me running barefoot through
your dreams
pregnant with all of your potential
I never chose to pick up where you left
It was a given.

My strength was not meant to spend
nights tying nooses around your
I am no Delilah
there will be no locs of hair
left behind to leave traces of my

I'm just not that sloppy

I will not leave a trail of bread crumbs
on the yellow brick road back to your

I would much rather remind you that
you are man
with the crackling sound
of your back bone

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by aprilj90 21st February 2010, 8:47 pm

I love writing poems. I've completely one short story but nothing worth tooting my horn over...

How do you guys find the patience (and time) to stick with writing until its complete?? That's my biggest downfall. Usually the things I write just flow, and if nothing's flowing I put it down and walk away.

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by 1FlySista 30th November 2010, 5:15 pm

I am a published poet and a spoken word performance poet. You can find information about my first book of poetry in my signature below. Please check it out at your leisure. Amazon and Barnes and Noble offer a "Look Inside" courtesy for those who are interested. I'm currently working on my second book of poetry and I'm a little over half way done. I am also working on a novel based loosely on my life as a young girl growing up in North Jersey street life and the drama that accompanied it. I love to write and fit it into my weekly routine. I love to confess and express to the page, it is somewhat medicinal for me. I also have a blog that I have been entering poems into since the year 2003. Visit my blog and check out some of my work and tell me what you think. Below is a poem I wrote about natural hair confidence. It is entitled "Flyye Sista."

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Flyye Sista (Afro)

Check it - Flyye Sista is the name
While I've got your attention - check my mane
Review the hue of an African doo
Trace around my round mound of Blackness
Natural and proud since Jah begat this
Explore and adore the symmetry
Embrace the grace surrounding my Nubian face
Marvel at my pride displayed on the outside
No need for steamed heat to make my tight coils retreat
No desire for the chemical fire of lye or no-lye
No care to texturize my hair's natural flair
No weave to deceive
No shame of my mane
No denial of the pure elegance of my breed
I'm Flyye as am and I dare to look like me
Reminding all who encounter thee
I am beautiful by design is where the Creator and I agree
The world scolded me, told me my hair follicle is diabolical
Said I needed to "run a hot comb across my dome"
Said I needed to "relax and perm to meet society's terms"
Said I needed a "new doo before the job interview"
Said I needed to "blonde it up" like Beyoncé to make a man look my way
Said I needed to "conform to the norms of the West"
Said, "It's what's best"
I replied, Yes
If you are of European descent or mentally bent
Conditioned by an assimilation tradition
increasing my people's ignorance and perdition
Listen here
To be clear, I am my hair, unlike India.Arie
Because I too am Black, beautiful and bold, naturally
I too am well-rounded, a little rough around the edges, high and mighty
I am poised, regal, full-figured and thick
I am dark and lovely
I'm Flyye as am and I dare to look like me
Reminding all who encounter thee
I am beautiful by design is where the Creator and I agree
As a matter of fact, get like me

Tara S. Gause aka Poetic Goddess Tara Shenéa
© 2010. All Rights Reserved.

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by ~*Kiana*~ 6th December 2010, 7:44 pm

Lovely pieces in this thread.

I write poetry...hoping one day to publish a book of mine. But for now I do keep a blog and write when I am inspired.

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by Renny 8th December 2010, 11:01 pm

I'm a multi-published author (two novels and one novella length piece in an anthology collection). I write inspirational women's fiction. My books are available in all the major bookstores, Walmart and of course online.

My info is in my signature. Glad to see other writers here.

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by curlya 9th December 2010, 11:06 am

Renny, that is so awesome. I am going to try and pick one of them up asap!

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by Renny 9th December 2010, 5:37 pm

curlya wrote:Renny, that is so awesome. I am going to try and pick one of them up asap!

Thanks Curlya. An Inconvenient Friend came out on August 1st and it was in Walmart and Krogers everywhere. I took a bunch of pictures in different stores all over Atlanta. I was so excited. If it's sold you can definitely order it from the store and then there's always direct from me. Let me know if you get it. Be blessed!

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by jeanlouisangel 9th December 2010, 9:37 pm

Wow Renny..I am going to try to get my hands on your work as well..

Wow Ladies, such talent..I am in awe..I began writing at the age of real though, my mother said I wrote a poem..

I graduated with a bachelors in English..The only thing I have published is my thesis. But I write constantly. I cannot stop..I hope to one day publish my journals that I have been writing since childhood, and I pray to still keep getting inspiration from such great writers as yourselves...Blessings Beauties

Calico, 1Fly Sis, and Karen thank u for sharing your babies with us flower

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by Renny 11th December 2010, 12:40 am

Thanks Jean. Let me know if you get one of them. I started writing when I was six. Keep pen to paper, you'll eventually finish something. Joining a writers group can motivate you as well. Well, that is if the group is motivated. I'm a member of a large group, several published authors and most people really serious about writing. I don't think I ever would have finished if I hadn't joined that group. Let me know if I can help with resources.

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

Post by jeanlouisangel 12th December 2010, 7:53 pm

Awww Ren,,,thanks so much..I needed that Very Happy Will let u know when I get the book. And I will most definitely tap for resources..Blessings flower

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writers? Empty Re: writers?

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